photo: ©john pechacek photography
We are Urban Anglers USA.
We love to fish. More importantly, we love to fish local water.
When you think of your favorite fishing spots, urban waterways probably don’t come to mind. You think of a remote destination that’s outside the hustle and bustle of city limits. The great outdoors, Mother Nature, wide open spaces… we get it. However, many of you may be overlooking an untapped honey hole right outside your door. By fishing urban water, you can fish a lot more often and may just land that monster lurking in the depths of your city. At Urban Anglers USA, some of us throw bugs on a fly rod, and some of us toss crank baits on a baitcaster, but we are all united in the pursuit of fishing urban water. We started Urban Anglers USA as a way for all urban anglers to come together as a community and share their urban fishing adventures.
Our website and blog are a way for all urban anglers to their share urban fishing adventures. At Urban Anglers USA we have always been interested in finding a way to share our outdoor experiences through artistic media such as photography and videos, but we wanted to do something more. We launched this site and created a brand that embodies the urban angling lifestyle and represents all who fish the urban waters of their city. Urban Anglers USA specializes in bringing you fishing and gear advice through outdoor marketing, social media, photography, and videography. As our brand grows, we will be producing gear and goods specifically designed for urban fishing. Follow along with Urban Anglers USA crew members and friends as we pursue fish species across the country and beyond.
Stay Tuned and hashtag UrbanAnglersUSA on Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr to share your own urban angling adventures.
Follow us on instagram: urbananglersusa
Like us on Facebook: Urban Anglers USA